Support from Mud Lotus Doulas begins with a free initial consultation, where we can learn a bit more about each other. The packages described below are intended to give you a sense of our most popular options, but because each family’s needs are unique, we will work together to determine the package and corresponding range of services that are right for you. And because we fundamentally believe that everyone deserves access to compassionate end-of-life care, regardless of their ability to pay, we offer a sliding fee scale in order to address issues of economic inequality.


  • 2 meetings, 1 hour each, in the beloved’s residence, for us to begin getting acquainted

  • 1st meeting focused on exploring the needs of the beloved and their family with discussion of a range of end-of-life options

  • 2nd meeting focused on development of personalized package and support plan

  • There is no obligation to move forward with services after the Building Bridges consultation. When the time feels right for the beloved and their family, the personalized support package can begin.



Number of visits varies, based on personalized needs. Services may include but are not limited to:

  • Advance care planning

    • appointing health care advocate

    • facilitating discussions and completing directives

    • reviewing and updating as necessary

  • Health care advocacy

    • witness and note-taker at medical visits

    • research for exploring options and informed decision making

  • End of life planning and care

    • activating a circle of support

    • respite care

    • logistical and household support

    • preparations for death

    • comfort measures (aromatherapy, meditation, breath work, etc)

  • Legacy services

    • life review activities

    • exploration and facilitation of legacy projects

  • Vigil support

    • coordinating care during the active dying phase

    • ritual and ceremony facilitation and guidance

  • Bereavement support

    • grief support and resources

    • support at memorial/funeral/burial services

    • loving follow-up visits


Typically between 1-3 visits, based on personalized needs. Services may include but are not limited to:

  • Exploring options for and appointing health care advocate

  • Facilitating discussions and completing directives

  • Reviewing and updating wishes as necessary



Looking for a brief period of respite care? Or help with a more specific and/or limited need, such as notetaking for an upcoming medical appointment or assistance finding local resources on Alzheimer’s? We can consider a customized hourly approach, if this makes more sense for you.